To be an outstanding carer you need

Caring for others is hard work. 

Yes, it could and it is wonderfully rewarding – a smile from the person you provide care to would be enough to encourage you to keep going, but, honestly (objectively), caring is a gruelling endeavour. 

To be an outstanding carer you just need to do to unto others how you would have them do unto you (unless you are a masochist). 

It is as simple as this biblical concept – except the line that mentions masochism, of course.  

You don't have to be a religious person to follow this golden rule, no, you (just) have to be... human.  

2 smiling old ladies with long white hair

Every time you feel like you're about to do something that you wouldn't like to be done to you, please, stop, take a deep breath and do the right thing. 

Treat people the exact way you'd like them to treat you.

Don't ever be rough or disrespectful. 

Kindness should lead the way. Always. In every situation, with every person, especially with those whose minds are shattered (affected by any sort of Dementia like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's etc., etc.). 

Don't impose your ways unto the people you care for. Be understanding and patient. Every day, every minute of your life. 

If you are a good human, you must be a good caregiver. 

Picture from Pixabay 

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