Happy Earth Day!

 Just a tiny post to mention that today, the 22nd of April 2021, we celebrate Earth Day! 

Of course, Earth Day should be cared for and celebrated every second of our lives. 

Without it, we wouldn't exist. 

Please, don't ignore the fact that we are destroying the earth willingly or unwillingly. 

Do your bit every day to preserve the planet for future generations. 


There is so, so much that everyone can do, without too much effort. 

  • never waste water
  • plant trees
  • seed flowers to help the bees survive
  • don't kill animals for fun or for profit. Save many from extinction
  • don't pollute. Walk or cycle more, instead of using a car. Unless, of course, it's a car that doesn't harm the planet
  • recycle all you can
  • don't litter 

We have to stop blaming everyone else and start taking accountability for our behaviour, for our lack of respect and consideration towards the planet we live on. 

We have to reduce the incalculable everyday-wastage

Yes, big corporations harm the planet a lot more, but we are no angels.  

Saving the planet is up to us. Each and every one of us.

To read and learn more, visit:

Photo credit: Pixabay

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